Page 7 - Mit dem Wohnwagen durch Australien 2
P. 7

Mataranka: Termitenbauten. Sie
sehen aus wie Bauten aus einem
Termite Mounds. They look like
building from a Science Fiction
movie. The magnetic mounds are
built eat to west so that there is

always a cooler side to the mound
where termites could go during the
hot times of the day. Deutsch
Science Fiction Film. Die sind so Termite Mounds. They look like
gebaut dass die Achse nach Ost- building from a Science Fiction
West ausgerichtet ist. Das ermög- movie. The magnetic mounds are
lich dem Termitten bei Sonnen- built eat to west so that there is
bestrahlung auf die jeweils kühlere always a cooler side to the mound
Seite auszuweichen. where termites could go during the

hot times of the day. where termites
could go during the hot times of the
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