Page 230 - Mit dem Wohnwagen durch Australien
P. 230

Our long-time dream comes true. We have received a multiple entry Visa for Australia. We will travel the whole
continent with a car and caravan (no Motorbikes for the time being). Beat has drawn a wonderful map with all the
highlights which we want to visit. Apart from all the wonders of nature and animal life, we are interested in pre
historic and contemporary art of the Aborigines. In Europe we have seen 18’000 years old artefacts of high ranking
visual art. The oldest artworks in Australia are 40’000 years of age.
Our first week in Australia

A lot of things are different, and some are much easier than in Switzerland. We purchased our Toyota Landcruiser
Troopcarrier on a Sunday. The Australian Automobile Club, RACV, offers a technical estimation service, which we
used. They check used cars and then give a report on possible hidden faults. We were positively surprised at the
good evaluation our car got. Just some minor defects needed to be righted and we will be getting the car the next
day. Our Caravan, a Jayco Sterling 18”, with Aircondo, Stove, Oven, Toilet/Shower, TV and more frills which seems
to be necessary here. As a Negative, there is no mover on the Caravan. Beat already has the flutters because of
that. The caravans are heavier and better insulated than ours. This one has a double axel which means, it can
hardly be moved by hand. You may look forward to some good stories later. We found both vehicles in the Internet
and they corresponded exactly to our specifications. The taking out of the insurances and the opening of a banking
account have been super easy.

Meanwhile we live with George, Deanne and their grown up daughter Claudine in a lovely country house with
Swimming Pool and beautifully manicured garden. WE contributed a little to the upkeep by helping to cut the many
roses. George took the hedge trimmer, but Beat and I did it bi more subtle with normal secateurs. That is where we
got our first sunburn. From now on we will be a bit more cautious. The view from the garden is breathtaking and
there were Kangaroos to greet us, on our arrival late at night.

We went for a stroll in the adjacent National park and were ogled by a whole family of big, small, old and young
Kangaroos as if we were the inmates in a zoo. There, we also saw the first emerald green and red parrots. A
Kookaburra sits every evening on an old gum tree and laughs at us. Paradise pure...

We got our first experience with driving on the left under the strict supervision of George. It takes some getting used
to sitting on the right and having the gearshift on the left. The indicators are also on the wrong side for us. We will
have some fun with that in the near future. George owns a vintage Rolls Royce and took us for a Sunday drive
through the hills East of Melbourne. We went to a little picturesque Victorian Town with a train station for Puffing
Billy, a steam train which brings Tourist to the hills.

George and Claudine own a 10 month old Scottish Collie named Beamer. He is a lovely dog with a very playful
character. With the help of some kibbles Beat and I gave him some obedience training, with the result, that, in an
unsupervised moment, he got my shoe and chewed it to bits!!! So much for the trainer....!

Initially we planned to go to Tasmania from here, but the fares on the ferry are so steep for our Caravan, that we
decided first to go to the old Gold town Ballarat and the Grampians, another National park. We might eventually go
to Tasmania, but only with our car and not the Caravan.

We have never spent so much money in so little time. Our car received best marks from the RACV test. Nevertheless
we have mounted new Off-road tyres and built a wooden Platform to increase the room in the back. Beat received
a cruise control for relaxed driving and we had to install an electrical brake unit for the caravan.

Our caravan has a 150 l fridge which had to be filled. The trolley overflowed and nearly got a flat because of the
heavy weight.

Then we drove to the Gas pump: 160 l Diesel! in two tanks. It just guzzled and the dollars went higher and higher.
Luckily we still had a voucher from the grocery shopping which gave us a rebate of 8c per litre. Better than nothing.
Diesel is cheaper here than in Europe but we will feel the heavy weight of the caravan in our budget nevertheless.
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